
As for my previous question, i am actually migration a 4.3 RIA application (which i didn't wrote) to a 5.1.2 JSF application.

In the 4.3 app ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.INote were used. Is there something that manage those INote ? Can I put those as Persistent in my DataClass ?

Regards Denis

asked 26.01.2015 at 18:18

dbalasse's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

ITask and ICase implements the INoteable interface. So normally it doesn't make sense to persist notes on a DataClass. But you can manage the notes of the actual user task or process instance (case).


answered 27.01.2015 at 11:17

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 27.01.2015 at 12:30

Thank you for the answer.

(27.01.2015 at 21:32) dbalasse dbalasse's gravatar image

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Asked: 26.01.2015 at 18:18

Seen: 1,102 times

Last updated: 27.01.2015 at 21:32